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prototype stage中文是什么意思

用"prototype stage"造句"prototype stage"怎么读"prototype stage" in a sentence


  • 原型机阶段
  • 原型阶段


  • Assemble technical teams to implement new sensor and decisioning products through prototype stage
  • Although some other gas sensor array systems have been tested at the prototype stage , few have been used in real time measurement situations
  • Development of larger and more powerful panther ii was started but desperate war situation ended its development in the prototype stage
  • Consumer electronics products or their components are the target candidate for this grant , which supports projects that leads to innovative products " pre - production prototype stage " development
  • Consumer electronics products or their components are the target candidate for this grant , which supports projects that leads to innovative products " pre - production prototype stage " development
  • The scheme was introduced on 1 april 2003 on a trial basis for one year to support projects leading to " pre - production prototype stage " development of new and innovative products in consumer electronics sector
  • By keeping things simple in the prototype stage , you can give application stakeholders an essential look at the functionality of your application without wasting a lot of time on color and design issues that are subject to change
用"prototype stage"造句  
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